If you have come here, it is because you have a child who has had abdominal discomfort or pain for a long time and you do not know why.
Your paediatrician has probably referred you to DAREmpordà, or someone with the same problem has recommended it.

  • DAREmpordà is a collaborative project that began in 2018 between the Fundació Salut Empordà and a group of psychologists from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Its main goal is to offer children and adolescents with recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) and their families a thorough diagnostic evaluation and an approach that includes useful information and access to a therapeutic tool (DARWeb) that has proven effective for its treatment.
  • This website is part of the RAP diagnosis and treatment programme in Alt Empordà. It is a programme involving all the paediatricians in the region, both from primary care and Hospital de Figueres, psychologists from the UOC and psychologists from the Alt Empordà Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CSMIJ).
  • You will find information about RAP that will help you to understand the disorder and how DARWeb works.
  • If you have not been referred by your paediatrician or paediatric gastroenterologist, we recommend that you get in touch with them to address and treat the disorder together.

We hope that what you find in this space will be useful.