Gluten sensitivity

Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity is diagnosed in patients in whom there is evidence that the symptoms experienced are caused ​​by gluten intake but it has previously been ruled out that they have coeliac disease and are allergic to wheat.

Symptoms due to coeliac disease and those due to non-coeliac gluten intolerance may be common, so the two entities may be impossible to tell apart by symptoms. However, unlike people with coeliac disease, those sensitive to gluten do not have antibodies to gluten fractions or bowel inflammation (duodenal biopsy performed via endoscopy is normal).

The diagnosis is confirmed when, once coeliac disease and wheat allergy have been ruled out, an improvement is noted when the patient follows a gluten-free diet and recurs when gluten is reintroduced into their diet.

The treatment is a gluten-free or low-gluten diet according to tolerance.

See your paediatrician if you think that the RAP is related to the intake of foods containing gluten, and do not remove them completely from the diet until the diagnosis of coeliac disease has been confirmed or ruled out.

darreraactualitzacio: 06/06/2020 16:07h